Photo of Ernesto Lara Bolivia

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Ernesto Lara, was born on July 21, 1976, from his youth working in the studio of his father, also an artist Raul Lara, study the career of Plastic Arts of the UMSA in La Paz, a graduate currently serves as a versatile artist, painting in various techniques, such as oil, acrylic and tempera among others, also mentioning dibujisticas techniques such as graphite, charcoal, pastel, etc.., with a deep commitment to art, in...

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78.74 x 78.74 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
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Photo of Ernesto Lara Bolivia

Ernesto Lara, was born on July 21, 1976, from his youth working in the studio of his father, also an artist Raul Lara, study the career of Plastic Arts of the UMSA in La Paz, a graduate currently serves as a versatile artist, painting in various techniques, such as oil, acrylic and tempera among others, also mentioning dibujisticas techniques such as graphite, charcoal, pastel, etc.., with a deep commitment to art, in the last 10 years been involved in several national competitions in his country, Bolivia.

Thanks to their dedication and commitment to art, was awarded in 2008 in 2 national competitions, one in the city of La Paz organized by the company Pebeo French manufacturer of painting materials, "Painters Novice Competition" sponsored by Miyuki pintureria of La Paz, where he won second prize at a national level, the other contest was in Cochabamba, where he received the Third Prize and Medal - Bronze Palette, in the "Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz."

In 2009 he got an "honorable mention" in the most prestigious and important competition of Fine Arts in Bolivia the Municipal Hall "Pedro Domingo Murillo" in the city of La Paz.

In 2010, Ernesto Lara, was invited to be part of the Annual Staff "Wenteche Art Gallery" in Valparaiso Chile, now a good pictorial material is there, being part of this representation as Bolivian artist, now making their art in Chile.

It is interesting to see each artist\'s work has continually evolved since this research in each painting and much more in depth look plastic, speaking of the line, the compositions, sometimes arbitrary, but harmonic, color management, management of loose brushstrokes.

In his approach makes much of the plastic look more than the thematic compositional These claims also full of imaginative load is not defined in a stream specified, working within various streams, expressive, abstract, neofigurative, expressionist, surreal, realistic, hyper, etc., said only critics and historians are cataloging or give you a current called an artist because the artist is a free and that can be tilted and Invertigo several trends.

Without neglecting the solid training in drawing and painting can be seen in his work ranges from the subtleties of color, his work is more inclined to call palette of earth tones and bright colors, greatly admires the work of the great masters and Jan Van Eyck, Raphael of Urbino Sansi, Leonardo Da Vinci, Picasso, Francis Bacon, Joan Miro, Gustav Klimt, Antonio Tapies, Rufino Tamayo, Jean Michael Basquiat, Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, to name few.

Currently planning is presented to future competitions and exhibitions.

Currently resides in Cochabamba, Bolivia where he works and has his studio with his father.

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